Monday, July 29, 2024

A Hot Day Spent Doing Stupidly Hot Things

Having worked all weekend this is my last day off before going to Shetland at the Weekend, the temperature here has been in the high 20s so of course, instead of reading a book and doing a little light packing I had a wool jumper to finish. I might conceivably want the jumper in Shetland where temperatures might be a lot lower. I could have finished knitting it in March so I wasn't sitting under all its cosy wooliness at near 30C. Could have. Didn't. 

It's on the board drying now, but even washing it was hot work. I compounded this folly by seeing cheap raspberries passing their best before in town and thinking it was too good a chance to miss them for raspberry fridge jam. I was briefly lulled by the airconditioning in the supermarket, and possibly high on ice cream, when I thought that was a good idea. The little supermarket didn't have jam sugar, and crucially my freezer wouldn't fit a kilo plus of slightly mushy raspberries in it. The bigger tesco was also out of jam sugar suggesting I'm not the only lunatic deciding that an evening spent over an oven whilst it's this hot is an awesome idea. They no longer sell pectin sachets or liquid pectin and cheap is a relative term with raspberries. 

Do I make my own pectin stock with a bag of apples (inexpensive) or risk £10 of raspberries going mouldy whilst I don't know, I wait for amazon to deliver some pectin powder? I got the apples. The internet in Tesco is intermittent and they were out of Bramleys so I made a best guess at the sharpest looking ones there and a quantity, and boiled them up. In this heat. And then made jam - I hope it's worked but it looks sloppy even for fridge jam with the extra liquid. 

Now all I have to do is a load of washing, remake my bed, run the hoover around, and think about packing. I'm going to need that holiday when it comes, and I hope to heaven it's cold enough to wear this jumper. 

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