Somehow this afternoon has turned into this evening and now
tonight (I think that makes sense) and I've been remarkably productive, unfortunately
it’s all been channelled in the wrong direction (yes I should have been
revising). What I have done though is rake through my books – and out of the
1600 odd titles I've found about 20 I think I can do without.
Gone are the first year philosophy textbooks which I didn’t
read in 1992, haven’t looked at since, and know full well I will never look at –
kept all this time partly as a reminder of the past, partly because I like to
finish a job however long it takes (that’s probably a lie) and partly because
one of them cost me 15 quid and I really felt I should get something for my
money. Well I admit in this case it’s time to let go.
The wordsworth edition of ‘War and Peace’ can go and join it’s
many brethren in the charity shop as well. It’s manky despite never having been
opened and I’m finally prepared to concede I will never read it, the Russian
classics don’t appeal to me that much added to which it weighs a ton and would
fall apart before I got half way through. If the day comes when I really want
to read nothing else I’ll get a nicer copy.
There are a few duplicate copies, absolutely unnecessary, a
few leftovers from my days in the bookshop and a few unwanted presents... Now for
the disclaimer; if any of the wonderful friends who have given me books over
the years are reading this than obviously your treasured gift is not in this
pile. But, and I feel an almost crushing sense of guilt (or is it exam
anxiety?) admitting this, most of the books on the shelf that I feel a bit ambivalent
about (not very many really) have been given to me rather than purchased. Some
in a casual I read this and thought you might like it (and your flat is closer
than Oxfam) kind of way, others have been proper gifts. As gifts I want to keep
them, as books I’m not so bothered and this is why I have a copy of ‘Trainspotting’.
The other thing about rejecting gifts is that they might
turn out to be ‘Nights at the Circus’ which I first got as a fairly casual sort
of present. It took me a while to come round to it but when I did it sparked an
almost obsession with Angela Carter. That book about a giraffe might turn out
to be my next Angela Carter moment. I’d better keep it.
Anyway I feel very virtuous about my clear out – it even got
to the point I had to stop myself before getting rid of some things I may yet
want to read (‘Charlotte Gray’ you are safe for now) which is basically almost
everything that looks even vaguely contemporary and in the spirit of sharing I
have a book to give away.
If you think you might be interested in a copy of ‘The Road
To Vindaloo – Curry books for Curry Cooks’ then please let me know via
comments, email etc. It’s one of Prospect books finest and has a whole lot on
the history of curry as well as recipes. Perfect for curry fans everywhere and
as good a way as any for me to convince another person of how brilliant
Prospect are.