Sunday, December 27, 2015

It looks like I got All the books

It's back to work tomorrow until New Years Eve when, weather permitting, I'll be heading up to the Borders to catch family whilst they're in the area. I am, as ever, a little bit paranoid about the weather - and with good cause. The flooding in Manchester, Yorkshire, and Lancashire has been terrible and the forecast is for more rain and gales on Wednesday.

If my travel arrangements have to be cancelled it will be a minor disappointment, but for the people who are facing the brunt of this flooding it must be horrendous. It makes me grateful to be warm and dry tonight (and to know that the river that runs outside my building isn't unusually high at the moment).

On a more cheerful note I got books for Christmas, quite a lot of books - as you can see. I also bought some for myself through the month (not pictured) so I've got lots to keep me busy and happy for the coming months. People obviously know I like books (and okay, I might have told my family just to raid my Amazon wish list for inspiration).

Anyway, in the company of my mother, sister, and Tally (the dog) we managed a quiet and relaxed Christmas (that might have been despite Tally) and I'm feeling extremely grateful for the good things that came my way and left over pudding.
It is very much a dogs life. 
(She's sort of allowed on beds) 


  1. Hope your travel plans are ok, fingers crossed. I envy you the short story collections, I've ordered them for work but would secretly love to own them. Happy New Year!

    1. They are from my English teacher friend, one for Christmas one a birthday present. Penguin couldn't have come up with a better gift idea! They look great, I won't get a chance to really look at them till I get back from holiday but there are some real treats in there.

  2. Replies
    1. She belongs to mum, and I'm besotted with her. She was a crazy puppy but she's mellowing into a lovely dog, and I can't over state how good she's been for mum, who lost her partner earlier this year, or how good she's been for me just in a general way. It's impossible not to be happy when you're greeted with unbridled canine enthusiasm!

  3. That's quite a stack of new books! I hope your plans worked out. Happy New Year!
