As I may have mentioned from time to time my love of Le Creuset knows few bounds, it's slightly limited by a lack of space and the eye watering cost of buying this stuff on a whim but neither of those considerations has stopped me accumulating approximately a hundredweight of the stuff.
Apologies, this really is an awful picture |
My Le Creuset collection is a mix of passed down bits, things I've got in sales, and bits from the outlet shop so none of it's cost me an absolute fortune and I love using it so much that it's had a huge influence on what and how I cook. This is the 3rd griddle pan I've had, all have been Le Creuset (the earlier two have been adopted into loving homes) but this one is by far the best. It came from an outlet shop and it was a piece of luck finding it as I've never seen it for sale anywhere else (which doesn't mean much). I like it because it fits comfortably over the large ring on my hob which makes it efficient to use unlike the rather prettier blue one rectangular one I had before and which didn't heat properly at either end. True I can only cook 1 steak at a time on it (and one drop scone but more on that in a moment) but at least I can cook it properly. The best thing about this griddle though is that it's double sided which makes it even more useful and makes me feel like I got two pans for the price of one (a bargain right?). The ridged side does good things to meat but the smooth side is the bit that really sold me on it. It's just perfect for making drop scones/pancakes (which I love) and probably other things too but I've not got over my drop scone excitement yet.
I thought I'd posted a recipe for drop scones (or scotch pancakes) here before but I can't find it so here it is... Heat a griddle on a medium hob - or a heavy based frying pan - giving it plenty of time to get hot. whilst the griddle is heating mix 125 grams of self raising flour, a generous tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of sunflower or vegetable oil, an egg, and 100 ml's of milk. Pour about a tablespoon, more if you like big pancakes/drop scones, of batter onto the griddle and flip it over when it starts to bubble. They cook fast, it's taken me a ridiculously long time to work out the right temperature for the hob and to stop burning these things. Pile them up and eat them. Do not oil the griddle (or pan) it doesn't need it. The oil in the batter is enough to stop any sticking and the drop scones shouldn't be greasy. When I was a girl we ate these with jam and cream like scones but they're good however you like them. Unfortunately I can't show a picture because we ate all the ones I made tonight.
It's a good recommendation when they are devoured before a picture can be taken! Yum. (Also, lots of Le Creuset lust...)
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that gets me down about the Le Creuset is the thought of one day having to lug it all downstairs and out my flat if I ever move. Wishing I had a drop scone left now.
Delete(With conviction) I am going to try to make these. Always wanted to, and your recipe is so straightforward I should be able to manage. Though I'll have to convert grams to ounces, but that's easy with Google. I've never had anything Le Creuset, so I'll let you know if these translate to a frying pan in California!
ReplyDeleteOne ounce (uk) is about 25 grams so this would be about 5 ounces but it's not a recipe where exact measurements really matter - what you want is a nice thick batter. A frying pan will be just fine, and then you can tell me how these are different from American breakfast pancakes (curious about that) :)
ReplyDeleteI found your blog because of a love of reading's the drop scones that got me! I was pulled right away into the world of Elizabeth David; her book on Bread is one of my treasures; as well as my le creuset! Thank you for the recipe; I am off to try it now.