Books of the year lists are a bit of a departure for me but I
thought I’d give it a go, indeed I meant to do it for the first of December but
didn’t get organised in time – which is why lists like this generally are a
departure for me. However it’s the season to look back on things and having
looked back at books it feels like it’s been useful – and slightly surprising.
I’ve not perhaps read as much as I hoped I might this year but that’s par for
the course (damn having to work for a living and its constant getting in the
way of more entertaining things) but although there have been a lot of good
books – this is after all the year that I finished Trollope’s Barchester chronicles,
read my first Walter Scott, and worked through Mrs Oliphant’s Carlingford
series – I don’t feel that it’s been a vintage year. It’s not a struggle to
come up with ten books I’d happily recommend, anything I’ve written about I’ve
been enthusiastic about, but it’s been quite hard to identify the ones that
really stood out – the books which might make it to my fire shelf.

Somehow though I managed, and so in no particular order here
they are – all read between December 1st 2010 and December 1st
2011. First up is Matthew Sweet’s ‘West End Front’ from a couple of weeks back.
The more I think about it the more time I have for this book. It’s a lot of the
dirtier side of war which we do well to remember, it’s also a lot of stories
that deserve to be told, thoroughly entertaining, and at times desperately moving.
All good.
Another recent read was Constance Maud’s ‘No Surrender’ from
Persephone books. Not the best novel ever written but possibly a contender for
the most passionately heartfelt. It has an enthusiasm for a cause that’s
infectious. It’s also a book that makes you question how much things have changed,
and how much has stayed the same. The answers aren’t entirely encouraging for
anyone of a feminist persuasion and again these are things which should be
thought about otherwise nothing will ever change for the better.
Mark Girouard’s ‘Enthusiasms’ also makes the list, partly because
it’s a lovely thing in itself, partly because it’s entertaining, but mostly
because it’s a showcase for the virtues of good scholarship – whatever they’re
being applied to.

A.S Byatt’s ‘
Ragnarok’ was easily my most anticipated title
of the year, it didn’t disappoint. I read it months ago but there are still
bits that run through my head. I think Byatt is at her best when she writes
short stories and novellas; she’s pretty bloody good when she writes epic
doorstops as well but I find her shorter books perfectly polished jewels – or something
like that anyway. She’s just very, very, good.
Preparation/anticipation for ‘Ragnarok’ featured Kevin
Crossley-Holland’s ‘The Penguin Book Of Norse Myths’ which I approached in the
manner of a chore. It wasn’t, and good intentions to read far more saga’s
feature for next year.
John O’Hara’s ‘A Rage to Live’ was a great big messy
compelling wonderful book – I love vintage for reprinting him (and so many
others). He’s a slight departure from my normal middle brow women – rather less
tea and a nice sit down with a scone, more dirty martinis and a few too many of

Sticking with sleazy was Mae West’s
‘The Constant Sinner’ –
not just an eye opener. I have more Mae West to read which is something to look
forward to. She’s everything I hoped in the way of one liners and wisecracks
but underneath that there’s a veracity that makes the heroine Babe Gordon stick
with you.
I’m a big fan of Victorian literature and if I’d read Lady
Audley this year she would be a shoe in, but I didn’t and I also really love
Mrs Oliphant so I’m going with ‘Phoebe Junior’ the last of the Carlingford
chronicles. I think it stands well alone, has a cracking good plot, and rips of
Trollope with style. That’s virtually the perfect Victorian novel in my world.

The last two books on my list are both a little bit Noir.
Vera Caspary’s ‘
Bedelia’ which had a twist I didn’t see coming and which turned
something run of the mill into something extraordinary. Dorothy B. Hughes
‘In a
Lonely Place’ was even darker – and nothing like the film which is good, but an
entirely different story. Dorothy B. Hughes was a Persephone find and since
then I’ve come across a few of her other titles. Persephone’s ‘
The Expendable
Man’ is so far the best;
‘In A Lonely Place’ is a very close second.
Now I need to go and get a head start on next years list.
What an interesting bunch -- and I haven't read a single one of these, though I have read others by Oliphant. I love the sound of the two noirs and the John O'Hara. Must look out for these authors. Thanks!