Monday, February 22, 2016

The 1938 Book Club

Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings and Stuck in a Book are running another book club! This time the year is 1938, and I'm really quite excited by the prospect. 1938 should be a great year to choose books from, I know I already have a few I've been meaning to read and a few I'd like to re read. It may be that this is a good time to track down something from 1938 from a few authors I've been meaning to read too.

It's not until April so with a bit of planning I'm rather hoping that I can read quite a bit for this one, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what others find too. So yes, excited basically covers it!


  1. For Americans who don't have as easy access to books of that era from England do you have a suggested list of titles? I'm guessing Angela Thirkell, and some of the mystery writers as well as, perhaps, D E Stevenson, Elizabeth Cadell, maybe O Douglas (Anna Buchan) and Susan Pleydell or other Grey Ladies titles............?

  2. Ooh, all of those I should think, and Kaggsy has lots of suggestions on her original post, and Simon has linked to a Wikipedia list, but the great thing about it is that it's only the year that matters - American books count just as much!
