I have good intentions regarding spring cleaning but they never actually amount to very much. Autumn is a different matter - the run up to Christmas is such a big thing in retail that over the years I've developed a real need to feel organised in good time, part of that is a desire to clear the decks of all the past years accumulated crap, another part is settling down to making things ready for Christmas. I know it's only October but now is the time for jam and jelly making - and I've made a lot of it. It's also turned into a big week for baking...
Work asked me to make a cake for the shop's second birthday on Friday - a cake - there are about 150 of us and although not everyone will be around at cake time one was never going to be enough which I maybe ought to have thought of before I said yes. In the end I made four cakes, two got sandwiched together to make a giant chocolate cake, there is a carrot cake because it's my favourite and that's what matters after a couple of hours baking, and a lemon layer cake which tried to escape from it's pan but was just about rescued... Because I was in the kitchen all day and the oven was on I also made jam, some scones for afternoon tea with the Scottish one, roasted a pheasant to share with the blond, and made some Brownies as well. She had to stop me from making short bread too - by that time I was on a roll and didn't want to stop.
It was, by my standards, a lot to get through in one day, normally my Kitchen would look like a bomb site at this point, but happily the blond took charge and wouldn't let me leave the washing up, she also put everything away so I really do feel organised today which is wonderful (it won't last).
This is a lovely jam and absolutely worth making, figs in supermarkets are fiendishly expensive but I managed to buy well over a kilo of them for £3 from my local market. It was the end of the day and they were going cheap, normal price is four for a pound which is still considerably cheaper than the supermarket rate, so it's worth shopping around as 400g is roughly nine to ten figs.
I think I have said this before, but it bears saying again, I love your kitchen shelves. So cosy. Is there a table in your kitchen as well?
ReplyDeleteI tend to do my spring cleaning in the autumn as well. We have been so busy this year, however, that I haven't gotten around to it yet. One of these days I see a big clean-out coming.
Thanks Thomas. I like things where I can see them so shelves are perfect. There is a table but it's small. Big enough for two people to slump over with a cup of tea, but three is a squash. A bigger table lives in the sitting room. I will now spend a couple of months not being able to find things but it does feel good to have had a clean out.
DeleteI love your kitchen shelves too, most especially the wee pot with shoes on its feet and short little legs.
ReplyDeleteWhat good eyes you have Kate. That's a Carlton ware egg cup, my sister and I had them when we were children but they didn't survive my half brothers infancy. When mum heard they'd gone she found some on ebay and gave them to us for Easter presents (just one example of why my mum is the best) that one is the same age as I am and I love it far more than I love boiled eggs.
DeleteI wish I'd seen a this a couple of weeks ago. I remember seeing trays of figs on a stall for £4 - and didn't buy them because it just seemed too much for one person.